5th & 6th Class have just finished reading the novel ‘The Summer I Robbed a Bank’ by David O’ Doherty.
In the final chapter, the main characters awoke one morning to find lots of money had washed up on the beach. There was a news crew there to get the local people’s reactions. We decided to recreate the news reports for fun with Mr. Madden as our film director. Check them out below! (The bloopers reel is at the end of the page too!)
*BREAKING NEWS* by Harry, Seán, Darragh & Kryspin
BREAKING NEWS by Sophia, Holly & Avril
BREAKING NEWS by Orláith, Caoimhe, Kayla and Sophie
BREAKING NEWS by Saoirse & Evanah
*BREAKING NEWS* by Clódagh, Thomas, Billy, Gearóid & Gráinne
BLOOPERS!! Check out the bloopers reel!